Good Fortune Farm Refuge is a 501c3 animal charity located on a small farm in Semmes, Alabama.
While space is limited, we currently have two horses, 15 cats, and 9 dogs on the premises where their medical and health needs are met to the best of our ability. 

All of these animals are spayed and neutered, and if have any extra funds from donations, we spay and neuter pets for low income families. No one at GFFR takes a salary or even expenses. We work for the love of animals.
We’d like to help more people get their pets spayed. This region of Mobile, Baldwin Counties in Alabama and George, Green and Jackson Counties in Mississippi have horrific overpopulation problems.

There are terrific organizations like SNIP in Mississippi and several dedicated veterinarians in Mobile who give us discounts for shots and spay/neuter.
When we get grants and donations, we apply the funds 100 percent to neutering and vetting as many animals as we can. It is the only solution to the staggering number of animals killed in these shelters because there is no room.
This past year (2022-2023) GFFR has helped to rehome 20 animals and find foster care for many more.
We work with all legitimate rescue organizations.
Help us do what we can do to make life better for animals and humans here.
Your donations to Good Fortune Farm Refuge are most welcomed.
Thank You